Below are a few samples of watercolors, acrylics and pastels
– most on paper, some on canvas.
All are framed except those marked NF (not framed).
Sharing Art, Thoughts, and Meaning
All prices are on request, so if you are interested in purchasing a painting, please see my CONTACT section to email me. Paintings, especially portraits, can be done on commission, like the one below.
Also, if you are new to watercolor, pastel, or drawing and would like some one-on-one instruction, just go to my CONTACT section and let me know; if there's anything I love as much as painting/drawing, it's teaching it!
Usually, the poems are personal ponderings and they sometimes illustrate painted images, as seen below. While it is interesting to see how words and images can complement each other, most of the poems stand on their own and have recently been published in a small book called MUSINGS.
How usual it is --- how
very “everyday;”
The signs we’re used to seeing,
exclaiming, “Stay away;”
The “anything-but-welcome” signs
that cast a child aside;
There are no ready vacancies
in which he can abide.
What reason, then, for hopeless ones
to seek a bright tomorrow?
At every turn they face a tide
of endless signs of sorrow.
What makes us think that we belong
while others stand outside?
What ordinary things are ours,
while others are denied?
So Jesus weeps, as in their place,
He humbly takes their stand ---
Ordinary, overlooked,
a Stranger in “our” land!
Anne Therese Dillen, OSU
A crow squawks in the distance,
Harsh warning to the wren –-
And Jesus laughs!
A wave shampoos a lakeside,
While puddles dance in rain ---
And Jesus laughs!
Zacchaeus climbs his crooked perch
To see who’s passing by ---
And Jesus laughs!
I climb my perches many times
To see, perhaps? Or hide ---
And Jesus laughs!
“Come down from there and see:
How could you be afraid?”
And we both laugh!
Anne Therese Dillen, OSU
Sister Anne Therese Dillen, an Ursuline nun, has been an exhibiting painter and teacher on high school, college and graduate levels for over forty years. A graduate of the College of New Rochelle as an art major on scholarship, she went on to get her Master of Fine Arts degree at Catholic University and has further studied watercolor with Robert Calrow, AWS, Charles Kinghan, NA, and William Maxwell.
While much of her time and energy was concentrated on teaching, maintaining a consistent output of her own artwork for exhibit and sale has made her a better teacher, enabling her to keep current and share her experience with her students while continuing to take delight in their enthusiasm and creativity.
While at CUA, Sister Anne concentrated on stone and wood sculpture, an added dimension to her work as a painter. Although she has worked in oil and acrylics, she specializes in watercolor (all subjects) and pastel (portraits of people in all age groups done on commission.) Several of her works are non-objective, but the majority are realistic, often featuring faces and figures as the main motifs.
Sister Anne has had more than a dozen solo shows, mostly in Westchester but also in New York, Vermont, and Pennsylvania. She also created a series of thirty paintings featuring the story of the Irish Famine (1845-1849);these traveled around Ireland for four years prior to returning to this country for further traveling exhibitions. Her latest solo shows were held during the month of April of 2017, at Larchmont Art, and at the Mooney Gallery at the College of New Rochelle in June of 2018.
As she has been for over forty years, Sister Anne is currently a member of the New Rochelle Art Association where she has won many awards, among which have been five Jules Bauer awards for best watercolor. She has often been a juror for their annual juried show and has been a judge for other art associations in Westchester County. Sister Anne is also a member of the New Rochelle Council on the Arts where one of her paintings is currently on display at City Hall in the office of the mayor.